Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting caught up again!

I know, I know.. I can never stay dedicated to posting. But lately I have been DYING to share, even though I haven't done much baking. This can be my NEW YEARS RESOLUTION post where I get caught up and hopefully redeem myself... ok? OK?? Anyone still out thereeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

I can't actually post these photos 'in order' per-say.. because it has been MONTHS since I uploaded my camera, and right now, it's too much work haha

Here we go..

This was for my friend Lucy. Her 2 kids birthdays are very close. Several days, I think. Their family was having a joint party, and these were the cakes I was lucky enough to be asked to make.

Happy Birthday to my oldest brother Frank! He turned the big 4-0, and flew himself to Utah for the UW vs BYU game.

This cake was my first wedding cake for someone I didn't really 'know'. My old visiting teacher Annette's little sister was getting married, and so they asked me to do the cake! Probably the most stressful day of my life! Silly, I know, but I hate letting people down, so I wanted this to be perfect!

This was for my Father-in-law. Glidden is the company he and my husband work for. If you can't tell, it's a paint can (the handle was along the back). I asked Trav what color I should make the spilled paint, and he simply said 'white'. In my head I was thinking, 'that's boring..', but I guess ALL paint starts out as white before it is tinted.

This was for my friend Etienne's 25th birthday.

Riley's 2nd birthday! His own basketball cake, and gourmet cupcakes for the guests. I think I made strawberry short cake, red velvet, and s'more flavors.

While I was in Canada, Sean demanded me to make some cupcakes to show off my baking skills. Wanting to impress him, I asked him to pick any flavor, and I would deliver. OF COURSE he picks pomegranate and lime.. 2 flavors I don't have too much experience with. This is the final product. Lime cupcakes (DELISH!) with a citrus-pomegranate buttercream. Just ignore the Halloween cupcake liners haha Presentation is everything!

Finally, Christmas. We had 2 ginger bread kits. I did one, and Trav and Riley did the other. Can you guess which one Riley helped with?

These are a first time for me! I have never made flooded cookies before, but recently I have been following cookie blogs, and they inspired me to make these! Not real fancy like Sweet Sugar Belle, but I'm a newbie ok?

There it is! Those are all my fall/winter creations of 2010. I haven't done much baking in 2011, but I do have some weddings and birthdays coming up! Can't wait.