The piping wasn't perfect, but that wasn't what it was about you know? I was so worried everyone was going to hate them, but early the next morning, I got a text from my husband with this picture attached
They ate all 24 in only a few hours. Which is amazing considering there is only 5 people that work there. Trav's boss loves Coke, so he loved the hit of soda. Even though I haven't tried them, I'll have to make them again for a new batch of people and see if the consensus is the same.
Next, I tried to make S'mores. S'more anything really. My initial idea was to make a graham cracker cake, but there aren't too many recipes like that laying around the internet, so when I found one, I was pretty excited. My first attempt was a total fail. As you can see..
The mess was delicious.. and I didn't realize until after they were in the oven, that the recipe never called for flour, which would explain these disasters lol Darn graham cracker recipe..
I messed around with it a bit, and it finally worked! This time, in cake form.
I filled it with a chocolate fudge, and topped it with a meringue/frosting. Trav happens to have a blow torch laying around the house, so I toasted it a bit to give it the s'more effect.
It was pretty good, but not what I wanted. The cake wasn't fluffy.. too dense for my taste, so I'm on to the next idea. Its top secret for now, but I'll post when I finally have it perfected.
Other things I have tried are strawberry shortcakes, which was a vanilla cupcake, with fresh strawberries, and topped with a whipped cream butter cream. They were DELICIOUS.. definitely a keeper (sorry no pic for these, but due to ill planning on my part, I forgot the bags and tips to make them cute, next time though). I also made my first red velvet. I recently tried red velvet for the first time, and it was AMAZING! I looked online for a recipe, and it wasn't as good as the one I had previously tried, so I'm still on the look out for the perfect combination of ingredients. Thanks to my SIL, I think I might finally have the right one. And finally, the most recent creation was a vanilla cupcake, with a cream cheese icing. But not just any cream cheese icing, strawberry cream cheese. I spent all day prepping the fresh strawberries, cooking them on the stove, pureeing them, straining the seeds, and whipping them into the cream cheese. I tried a new icing tip, and it is my new favorite! Again, sorry for no pictures, but I'm sure you will see it soon. These cupcakes were a hit! I brought them to a BBQ, and everyone loved them!!
I promise I'll be better about taking pictures and posting. Like I said, things have been crazy!
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